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tag.The appeals team is one of many Moderator Teams. (Note, if you are banned, please submit a ban appeal here. The Hypixel Wiki and it's team cannot help you resolve any ban or mute).
Appeals Team[]
The appeals team specify in responding to player appeals via the Forums. They commonly use pre-made replies, and use anonymous appeals accounts. This is to save time, due to the large number of appeals made, and to also prevent users harassing appeals team members (for example if their appeal is denied). As a result they mainly operate in the Ban Appeals section of the forums.
For the same reason that they use anonymous accounts, there is no list of appeals team members - however some staff members do specify that they are appeals team using their custom forum tags.
When a user appeals, a member of the appeals team will review the evidence against them, and will either accept the appeal (unbanning them), or deny it (leaving the ban in place). Users can only appeal once, and the appeals team decision is final.