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Hypixel Wiki
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Network Boosters are a paid feature of Hypixel that allows everybody to gain 3x coins in a minigame they choose for 1 hour. While a booster is active, players can type /tip or click the text in the chat to tip the player who is activating the booster, giving EXP and coins to themselves and the player who used the booster. If you try to boost while there is already a booster in a queue you will have the option to either stack on top of it (for a maximum of 10 boosters per stack) or you can queue which will put it in the next new available hour without any other booster. A booster can be activated by typing in /booster and selecting the booster. A booster can only be used once before being consumed. Network boosters do not guarantee coins or exp. It is highly unlikely that you will receive no coins or exp from a booster, but it's possible if no one was to /tip throughout the hour of your booster.

So far there are 10 different types of boosters you can purchase which are; Classic Games, Blitz Survival Games, Mega Walls, Skywars, UHC, Arcade, TNT Games, Warlords, Smash Heros & Cops and Crims. Each booster will give exp although they only give coins for the name of their specific gamemode.

The two types of boosters:

Queueing: This method of boosting will mean a booster will go active in the next free hour, meaning it will go active during an hour where no other booster is going active. This form of queueing will also give 5,000 Karma appon clicking the queue button.

Stacking: Stacking is a faster form of boosting as with this the booster will try and stack on any available queue & so long as the queue is 9 boosters or less it will stack on top of it. This does NOT lower the number of coins or exp received from the booster.

TIP: If you use booster on a weekend, you'll normally get more coins & exp than if you activate it on a weekday.

You can buy network boosters here


  • Players can use mods to auto tip players as a way to get EXP. Although this mod is not on the approved modifications list, it is considered "use at your own risk" and will most likely not result in a ban.